The lots have a direct access to the loop road
and extend onto the harbour side promenade,
which links to the beachfront promenade.
Land Use
The ideal location of this precinct offers a large
variety of uses, albeit that the intention is to
have retail at the lower level with exclusive
residential above, taking advantage of the
unusual location and marvellous views of the
harbour entrance channel and the Bluff.
Built Form
The built form regardless of the use is intended
to have a five level podium built up to the
promenade edge, with the higher scale towers
set back from the promenade behind.
Green Links
The green links system within Precinct 4 is an
extension of the east-west green link of the
Precinct 1. This ensures visual and physical
connectivity and continuity from the Precinct 2
all the way through to the harbour front.
A major green public space has also been
nominated within the precinct, to be utilised
as an attractive form of public domain for
residents and tourists alike, that capitalises on
the harbour entrance channel views.